CoronavirusThe latest reporting on the Pennsylvania state government's response to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
March 16, 2021Joe Hermitt / The Patriot-NewsSee how much your lawmaker banked in meal, lodging payments during the pandemic (FULL LIST)by Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA
March 15, 2021Commonwealth Media ServicesDuring height of coronavirus pandemic, Pa. lawmakers still cashed in big on meals, lodgingby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA
March 12, 2021Courtesy of Nemacolin Woodlands ResortAs pandemic continues, GOP lawmakers prepare for retreat at pricey ‘Bachelor’ resortby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA
March 9, 2021Leise Hook / For Spotlight PAFrom tests to vaccines, Pa. health officials still missing crucial race data for COVID-19by Ese Olumhense of Spotlight PA and Jamie Martines of Spotlight PA
March 5, 2021CHARLES FOX / Philadelphia InquirerA business owner’s guide to Pa.’s next wave of COVID-19 relief grantsby Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA
March 4, 2021JESSICA GRIFFIN / Philadelphia InquirerVaccination clinics for Pa. teachers could open as soon as next week. Here are the Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA
March 2, 2021Jelani Splawn / For Spotlight PAVictims of unemployment fraud in Pa. are blindsided by tax documentsby Rebecca Moss of Spotlight PA
March 1, 2021Fred Adams / For Spotlight PAMore people can gather indoors in Pa. as coronavirus cases decline, Wolf announcesby Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA
Feb. 25, 2021TIM TAI / Philadelphia InquirerLevine questioned on missing Pa. nursing home data in federal confirmation hearingby Jamie Martines of Spotlight PA
Feb. 25, 2021HEATHER KHALIFA / Philadelphia InquirerNew coronavirus grants for small Pa. businesses aim for inclusivity, but can’t track successby Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA
Feb. 23, 2021Fred Adams / For Spotlight PAPreguntas frecuentes sobre el frustrante despliegue de vacunas en Pensilvaniaby Ese Olumhense of Spotlight PA
Feb. 12, 2021Fred Adams / For Spotlight PAThe most frequently asked questions about Pa.’s frustrating vaccine rolloutby Ese Olumhense of Spotlight PA
Feb. 9, 2021Dan Nott / For Spotlight PALack of targeted outreach, translated materials leaves Latino community behind as Pa. struggles with vaccine rolloutby Ese Olumhense of Spotlight PA
Feb. 5, 2021Commonwealth Media ServicesPa. voters will get the last word in struggle between Wolf and lawmakers. Here’s what you need to Cynthia Fernandez of Spotlight PA
Feb. 5, 2021FRED ADAMS / For Spotlight PAIn race for COVID-19 vaccinations, older residents in rural Pa. face tough obstaclesby Jamie Martines of Spotlight PA
Feb. 3, 2021JOSE F. MORENO / Philadelphia InquirerPa. enacted 140 laws last year. Only 27 of them addressed the Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA and Cynthia Fernandez of Spotlight PA
Feb. 1, 2021JESSICA GRIFFIN / Philadelphia InquirerStress, delays, and confusion still plague jobless in Pennsylvania, and January brought little reliefby Rebecca Moss of Spotlight PA
Jan. 29, 2021JOSE F. MORENO / Philadelphia InquirerConfronted with significant flaws in coronavirus data, Pa. corrections officials concede ‘it’s unacceptable’by Joseph Darius Jaafari of Spotlight PA
Jan. 28, 2021ELIZABETH ROBERTSON / Philadelphia InquirerCould a centralized vaccine signup ease Pa.’s rollout pains? Here’s the Jamie Martines of Spotlight PA
Jan. 26, 2021Tim Tai / Philadelphia InquirerHundreds of Pa. senior-living facilities haven’t received vaccine as widened eligibility, low supply slow rolloutby Ese Olumhense of Spotlight PA
Jan. 22, 2021Where to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Pennsylvania and who can get it (DISCONTINUED)by Daniel Simmons-Ritchie of Spotlight PA
Jan. 19, 2021DAVID SWANSON / File PhotographPa. prisons don’t always tell families when inmates are sick. Officials are defending that Joseph Darius Jaafari of Spotlight PA
Jan. 13, 2021ALEJANDRO A. ALVAREZ / Philadelphia InquirerPa. GOP lawmakers want voters to give them the power to end governor’s emergency ordersby Cynthia Fernandez of Spotlight PA
Jan. 6, 2021JOSE F. MORENO / Philadelphia InquirerPa. lags nation in people tested per day, is nowhere near level needed to suppress the virusby Yaasmeen Piper of Spotlight PA
Dec. 30, 2020TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPa.’s ban on indoor dining, school sports won’t extend beyond Jan. 4by Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA and Jamie Martines of Spotlight PA
Dec. 19, 2020TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPa. misses deadline to spend $108M in rent, mortgage relief from CARES Actby Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA
Dec. 16, 2020Dan Speicher / TribLIVEState-run psychiatric hospital can’t recruit enough workers as Pa. risks violating federal requirementsby Ed Mahon of Spotlight PA
Dec. 15, 2020KALIM BHATTI / The Philadelphia InquirerAs coronavirus hits home, Pa. GOP shifts messaging but still rejects mandatesby Cynthia Fernandez of Spotlight PA
Dec. 14, 2020Commonwealth Media ServicesPa. corrections dept. tells officer with COVID-19 symptoms to return to work earlyby Joseph Darius Jaafari of Spotlight PA
Dec. 11, 2020Dan Nott / For Spotlight PAThousands of Pa. families face potential eviction come the new yearby Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA